The Institute of Actuaries

3599 days ago

Quindell – Industrial Deafness: Humouring a Bull but the Maths still Don’t Stack Up

I am urged by various bulls to reconsider my questions on Quindell with reference to data provided by the Institute of Actuaries on Industrial deafness. I have referenced that data and it bears out my thesis 100% in that it shows that there is not a cat in hell’s chance of Quindell hitting its target of 72,000 cases a year settling at £9,000 + on average.

A bull posted on the comments thread:

I suggest you read this. Very interesting and numbers are rising and well above the 20,000 you quote. If you look back as well they were peaking at 85,000. Could we be returning to those days. Most likely given this is probably the new whiplash.

Okay Mr Bull lets go to the paper from the actuaries which you can find here – pages 44 and 45 are what to look at.
